Share your voice
With Our Creative Community!
Share a story, piece of art, or a poem, (anonymous or not), and help empower the Asian American community and its fight against mental health stigma. No matter what age you are, what country you’re from, you are welcome to share your thoughts and experiences with our community!
Get featured on our many platforms, as we highlight personal experiences and insights about mental health within the Asian American Community.
How Your Voice Can Be Heard
Introduce yourself to us by email or by the form below so that we can get in contact with you.
Please visit this page to see our guidelines, as well as additional prompts if you are stuck. Don’t be afraid to repeat the ideas of past blogs!Your blogs can be anywhere from half a page to page to 5 pages, anything is welcome. (400-2000 words)
Write about anything! Personal experiences, argumentative, opinions, descriptive, narrative, and they can be in the form of blogs or poems. We also accept art of any kind, and highly encourage it.
Once you have a draft that is ready to be reviewed, submit it to our google form (not by email). You have the option to submit anonymously, without revealing your google account.
5. We will contact you within a few days to finalize your submission! Feel free to email us if you have any questions.